
_coda / colorado digital art

An annual digital art & new media exhibition - sponsored and produced by NERDA - showcasing juried art works of student artists attending Colorado institutions of higher education.


All undergraduate students attending a Colorado college.
(If enrolled as a post-bachelor, you can submit as long as your previous degree was not in Art).

NERDA's aim is to give Arts undergraduates in Colorado an off-campus venue for a professionally juried exhibition. Part of NERDA's mission is to provide valuable supplementation to education in digital arts by creating a space in which rising digital and new media artists are able to gain experience exhibiting their work publicly and professionally, prior to graduation. We believe that the experience of submitting work alongside our contemporaries in Colorado is a relevant and practical simulation of the future demands of a professional art career, and we believe that open lines of communication between our contemporaries fosters strength and growth in the work of everyone involved.

Call for digital art and/or new media.
(Pretty much any art that's process is heavy on the digital side, including but not limited to new media, video, interactive-based, sound, electronic, net/web, sculpture, installation, performance, etc.)

NERDA provides an opportunity to be juried into a small group show right in the heart of Denver, just next to the Museum of Contemporary Art at Object + Thought. Not only are we determined to give students an opportunity to enter a competitive show that provides visibility and opens a dialog with their state-wide peers... we are so ambitious about providing exposure that we've planned for the opening reception (fully catered) to take place on the same evening as the MCA's "Biggest Bash of The Year"... The 2009 VeloCity Gala. NERDA wants Colorado digital and new media artists to be seen... and heard!

When & Where:
Submit entries in person on Monday, Oct. 12, 2009
(Drop-off is in Gallery 199, located on the first floor of the Arts Building on the Auraria Campus. For directions and a detailed map of the campus, click

mail / Send links to entries by Monday, Oct. 12, 2009 at 11:59 PM.
(We must have received your entry fee(s) in the mail by Monday, Oct. 12th, in order for your work to be viewed by the juror. Send submission fee(s) at least a full business week prior to the deadline to ensure we receive it. Other arrangements are possible- see contact info at bottom of post.)

Fee is $5 per entry, cash or money order (made out to NERDA). No limit on number of entries.

If you are submitting online, email us at mscd.nerda@gmail.com with the subject line "_c0da art entry." Attach files to the email or paste a URL into the email for the piece(s) of work(s) you are submitting (make sure it's easy to find on the URL provided). Include the following info in the the email: name, school affiliation, phone, title of work, media, and year created. Please call or email us with questions regarding online submissions... we're here to help.

Send entry fees (cash or money orders made out to NERDA) to:

Liberty Shellman
3645 Clayton St.
Denver, CO, 80205
Include all the same info that was provided in the email, so we can match up payments to your submissions. Thanks and good luck!!

Rori Knudtson rknudtson.com
Caitlin Green galleryuccs.org

Juror's Choice Awards for two distinctive artists:
The Left Field Award
(Never saw it coming...
...original & unexpected.)
The Righty Tighty Award
(So polished it shines...
...professional & refined.)

_c0da Exhibition Location:
Object + Thought
1430 Delgany Street
Denver CO 80202
(right across from MCA Denver)

_c0da Exhibition Dates:
October 28-30, 2009
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
Business hours are from 9am - 6pm

Reception Night: Thursday, Oct. 29 from 7 pm - 10pm +
Awards Night: Friday, Oct. 30 from 7pm - 10pm

For any further questions, email mscd.nerda@gmail.com with the subject line "_c0da questions" or call:
Salina Gomez, NERDA President, at 303-665-8166
Ryan Pattie, NERDA Vice President, at 303-907-2531


First meeting for the NERDA 2009-10 academic year...

Hey all!

NERDA has some great officers and some really involved members this year. We can't wait to get started! Out first meeting took place at Wash Park and we talked all things NERDA. A very inspiring start... and a very beautiful summer day.

Looking forward to an active academic year! Special thanks to Buddy (MMCIII) for offering up his space, Rhinoceropolis, for the first NERDA event of the year... we'll have live music and video art projections from Metro State digital artists. And a very special thanks to Mario Zoots, artist and dedicated friend and member of NERDA.

You all rock!



We are NERDA.

Jeromie Dorrance
/ Secretary, Connections Guru
I make art.
And I was most voted most likely to be abducted by aliens in high school.

Liberty Shellman
/ Treasurer, Photography Goddess
Liberty is a fine arts major and a political science major at Metro State in Denver. When she isn't making art, talking about art (and/or politics), traveling the world to further her art and her socio-political ideas, she saves puppies for a living and throws a ball for her dog.

Ryan Jay Pattie
/ VP, Graphic Design Sorcerer
Ryan Jay Pattie was born and raised in Denver Colorado. He studies Fine Arts with a concentration in Digital Art at Metropolitan State College. He enjoys creating and viewing design and artwork, as well as story telling and not math. His favorite color is a secret. He also has a beagle.

Salina Gomez
/ President, Visionary Witch
Art is in my blood.
Some days I'm exalted about where technology is going. Other days I fret about carbon-based existence and question whether my art is part of the problem or part of the solution. The best days occur when I believe every action is pregnant with potential and its rate of realization is positively correlated with passion output.
Art is the dance of creation.

Rebecca Dolan
/ Advisor to NERDA
Assistant Professor & Coordinator of Digital Art at Metropolitan State College of Denver
Rebecca Dolan is an artist, educator and curator who lives and works in Denver, CO. She holds an M.F.A. from the Maryland Institute College of Art in Photography and Digital Imaging and teaches and coordinates the Digital Art program at the Metropolitan State College of Denver. Her work has been screened and exhibited nationally in venues including the National Gallery Film Theater in Washington, D.C. and the Renaissance Society in Chicago.