Well, NERDA fans, it was a great night. We are sorry about the lack of photos, but the lighting in the space was pretty dark, so that the video projection could be seen on the back wall behind the performers. NERDA had a really great time with the live visuals software product Resolume Avenue, which enabled us to work with multiple video files and filters and effects all at once. A lot of troubleshooting at first with getting all the hardware and software to play nice together, but we learned a lot and everyone had a blast.
Thanks so much to the bands and DJs that donated their time and energy to this event! We simply supported their fantastic performances with visuals, so really, it was their show. Nice work everyone. NERDA's new officers work really well together, we found out!
Going to be a great semester... can already tell!
And would you look at this amazing photography! Liberty, you are a tremendous talent with the lens... what would NERDA do without you!? :)